Performing at Swansea Jazz Club

Hi, Dave Cottle here, I've been programming the events at Swansea Jazz Club/Swansea Jazzland & Swansea International Jazz Festival for almost 30 years ! Its certainly been a passion of mine to keep the weekly Jazz Club in Swansea going strong for so long. Driven mostly from when I first went along to the weekly session at the then Swansea Jazz Society in 1975. Making connections with many of the musician playing there at the time such as John Ham, Russ Jones, Derek Morgan. Musicians that had been playing jazz at Swansea Jazz Club, Swansea Modern Music Club, Swansea Jazz Society from the the 1940's!

Over many years I've got to know and been lucky to play with so many musicians. But if we haven't met and you would like to play at the club please contact via email and send details of what you do etc. If you are a more locally based musician why not come along and support the club and please pop in on a Jam Session night for a play and introduce yourself, just as I used to do back in the day!

Please be aware that on occasions I can receive 20/30 emails daily in regards of performing at the club, So don't get offended or upset if I am not able to respond promptly to all emails.

The club absorbs so much of my personal time in regards to updating our website and social media platforms, alongside the programming, art work design, arranging printing flyers, hotels & keeping a firm grip on finances and ticket sales etc. We are running without any grants and solely relying on door tickets sales along with support from Members, Patrons and sponsors

Outside of the club I have many of my own musical projects that I am continuing to promote too, often like yourself emailing other venues and promotors and hardly ever getting a response. But I can understand why that happens. I'm also juggling family time etc so please be aware that I do go through all emails received and tend to reply when there is a date opportunity coming up.

Best Wishes
